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lol烬的台词 英雄联盟第129位英雄烬的台词大全

来源:秋雨露  编辑:qiuqiu 时间:2017-06-27 17:51:12 热点:lol,烬,英雄联盟






"In carnage, I bloom.... like a flowerin the dawn."






"Our performance begins."




"The stage is set."




"I suppose I must make do with thistawdry setting."




, "This stage is beneath my talent,but I shall elevate it."




"I will bring them an opera ofdeath."




"And now, the curtain rises."





"You lack imagination."




"I have elaborate plans for you."




"Killing you will be one of my finestworks."




"You aren't mediocrity. My genius willsupplant you."




"Only my actions will make youmemorable."




"It hurts so good..."





"You will be poetry."




"You will be beautiful."




"Watch my puppets dance."




"This is your curtain call."




"Your life had no value beforeme."




"I feel inspired."




"Art is worth the pain."




"Beauty is pain."




"I will make you famous."




"You will perform."




"This is my love."




"Each bullet is a song."




"Each bullet will be a dance."




"How can we make this fresh?"








"Smiles, everyone, smiles!"




"Places, please!"
















"The composition needssomething."
























"Symmetry is so boring."




"I've outdone myself this time."




"When they find you, they willcry."




"I will touch your heart."




"They're gonna live, until theydie."




"This is my calling."




"Places everyone, places!"




"Shall we dance?"




"Sing for me!"




"I rehearsed this!"




"There is no drama in a peacefuldeath!"




"Dance for me."




"Right. On. Cue."








"The show never ends!"




"How lovely!"




"Center stage!"




"I couldn't miss yourperformance."

