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来源:秋雨露  编辑:qiuqiu 时间:2018-01-20 16:41:37 热点:托福,常用句型,雅思,作文素材


16.From my perspective, ... ... is without doubt a better option. (依我看,... ...毫无疑问是个更好的选择)


17.According to the evidence offered above, I can hardly agree that ... ... (综合以上证明,我很难同意... ...)


18.With respect to ... ..., I am pretty sure that I’m on the same/opposite side of it. (关于... ...,我很确定是站在正/反方的立场)


19.Although it’s no simple task for us to make a prudent and satisfying choice, I still wholeheartedly believe that ... ... (尽管对于我们来说,做一个谨慎友令人满意的选择是很困难的,但是我仍然全心全意地相信... ...)


20.There is no consensus on whether...yet. (关于是否该... ...,现在仍然没有一个定论)www.qiuyulu.com秋雨露语录网


21.Whether...is an issue open to debate. (是否该... ...,这是一个有待讨论的问题)


22.Whether...is a boon or bane is still open to debate. (... ...是好是坏/是对是错,这有待讨论)


23.The issue of whether…has triggered intense debate. (是否该... ...,这个问题引发了一个激烈的讨论)


24.The debate over whether...has been going on for a long time. (关于... ...的讨论已经持续很长时间了)


25.When it comes to ... ..., people tend to hold different viewpoints. (当谈到... ...的时候,人们倾向于持有不同的观点)

