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来源:秋雨露  编辑:qiuqiu 时间:2017-10-30 15:26:10 热点:万圣节,手抄报内容




    Halloween is one of the most interesting content is "high", the customs or the Gospel, not from Ireland, but began in the 9th century European Christianity. Then, on November 2, was called "ALL christians SOULS DAY" (million) of spirit. On this day, in the journey PiRang believers, touching door with flour and village begging raisin bread made of the "soul". It is believed the donation bakery family prayers to the church, which monks from god's armor, u-right dead earhttp://www.chddh.com/yingyong/ly into heaven. This went begging tradition to have evolved into today's children carrying pumpkin lantern on candy from the game. When they meet, dressed as a ghost elves of children are waking "don't eat trick" threat and natural dare not snubbing, connect host saying "please eat! Eat!" The candy in children carry large pockets.


  Today is Halloween, my sister and I go to water swim city. Her dress is big, black, wore jeans witch of clothes, she made the grandma skirt, form a cloak pants wearing scarf, like big hat, the witch witch! My dress is small, wearing black pants, witch black clothes and brown shawls, face masks, I like small witch! The man is a Wolf and the wizard dress, brought us to the roof garden, good beauty! The tree is a series of lantern, railing. The television pictures, uncle to us when we have been photographed in laughing. The uncle say: "you are a group of laugh ghost!" By reporters to feeling! We finished, then team on the roof of a parade! Go, I still won't? Today we're having fun!!