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来源:秋雨露  编辑:qiuqiu 时间:2018-11-05 16:51:31 热点:神探夏洛克记







    1、Did he offer you money to spy on me?Yes. Did you take it? No. Pity, we could have split the fee. Think it through next time.他有没出钱让你监视我?没错。收了吗?没有。真遗憾,我们本可以平分。下次想清楚点。


  2:I'm a consulting detective.Only one in the world,I invented the job.Means when the police are out of their depth,which is always,they consult me.我是个“咨询侦探”世界唯一的。这工作是我发明的。每当警察找不到方向他们经常都这样,他们会咨询我。




  3:I'm a private detective,the last thing I need is a public image.我是个私家侦探,我最不需要的就是公众形象。


  4:I'm a private detective,the last thing I need is a public image.我是个私家侦探,我最不需要的就是公众形象。


  5:Brainy is the new sexy智慧是性感的新潮流


  6:Every fairy tale nees a good old-fashioned villain.每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。


  7:I can't turn it on and off like a tap.聪明又没有龙头可开关。


  8:Anderson,don't talk out loud.You lower the IQ of the whole street.安德森,别大声说话,你拉低了整条街的智商


  9:Anderson,face the other way.You are putting me off.安德森,转过脸去。你妨碍我(思考)了。


  10:Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish.That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters.Do you see?普通人让自己的脑中装满垃圾,所以学习有用的东西就很难。你发现了吗?


  11:Listen.This is my hard drive,and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful.REALLY useful.听着,(大脑)这是我的硬盘,只有放入非常有用的东西才有意义。


  12:Brainy is the new sexy智慧是性感的新潮流


  13:I can't turn it on and off like a tap.聪明又没有龙头可开关。


  14:Anderson,don't talk out loud.You lower the IQ of the whole street.安德森,别大声说话,你拉低了整条街的智商


